The lived consequences of conflict The security situation in eastern Congo is once again rapidly deteriorating and even attracting Western media attention. This blog sheds light on the lived consequences of three decades of conflict. Carolien Jacobs • February 20, 2025
Can law schools make a difference in the climate change battle? Future lawyers are also facing climate change. As this global crisis escalates, the role of legal training will be crucial. It calls for preparing students with a curriculum that rises to the occasion. Rhea Mammen • September 19, 2024
Solving cold cases: Should the Netherlands use American genetic genealogy databases? The discussion on the use of investigative forensic genetic genealogy (iFGG) to solve Dutch cold cases is back on the table following a news report that weighed up the new Dutch government’s stance with views of several critics. But there’s more to this debate. Oliver M. Tuazon • September 12, 2024
Vertrouwen in de overheid begint bij leren denken vanuit de burger Vertrouwen in instituties wordt ook wel als het fundament van onze rechtsstaat gezien. Maar leren wij onze studenten wel voldoende wat dat vertrouwen behelst en hoe het werkt? Rogier Hartendorp and Danielle Chevalier • September 11, 2024
‘Hey officer, wanna trade?’ Policing with friendship bracelets on Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour Police worldwide are joining in with Taylor Swift's tour craze by swapping friendship bracelets with fans. Could this interaction between police and citizens reshape trust, surveillance and security? Julia Rootenberg • August 13, 2024
Why is street harassment a public problem? Although street harassment is increasingly recognised as a problem and subject to regulation, how this problem is defined, and what regulation entails, varies from one context to the other. Danielle Chevalier and Mischa Dekker • June 11, 2024
Het systematisch falen van de jeugdzorg Slachtoffers van de misstanden in de jeugdzorg worden eindelijk niet meer genegeerd, maar het probleem is nog lang niet opgelost. Lisa Bijl • May 21, 2024
De MSC Zoe-milieuramp: verloren containers in zee en het recht op milieu-informatie Verloren lading op zee moet worden beschouwd als milieuvervuiling en informatie hierover moet openbaar worden gemaakt, maar dat gaat niet altijd goed. Esther Kentin • March 28, 2024
Military discipline and police discretion are historically and theoretically incompatible Belonging to the Dutch military limits your civil rights and can negatively impact individual discretion within policing. Both history and theory suggest trouble where the military and the police force meet. Tim van Lit • March 21, 2024