Schiphol: all shareholders are equal, but some shareholders are more equal than others… Schiphol’s CEO came to the Dutch Parliament this week to discuss the recent problems at Schiphol Airport. According to Dutch corporate law, he is not obliged to appear and Parliament cannot issue instructions. Maarten van Buuren • June 02, 2022
Courts as an Arena for Societal Change Please join our conference, Courts as an Arena for Societal Change, on 8 and 9 July 2022, at Leiden Law School, Leiden University, in the Netherlands. Alex Geert Castermans • May 30, 2022
Revival of the Dutch pre-pack by the CJEU The CJEU has surprisingly ruled in Heiploeg that the Dutch pre-pack can fall under the exception of Article 5(1) of the Transfer of Undertakings Directive. This may well bring about the revival of the pre-pack. Jiahui Plomp • May 16, 2022
History matters in child care Residential and institutional care is not a question of extent or degree, but rather a question of absolute abolition on account of what it historically represents and continues to perpetuate Hazel Miseleni • April 19, 2022
From Leiden tot Delaware: How empirical legal research on valuation biases was used in a US courtroom A paper by Marc Broekema and colleagues found that psychological biases can have a detrimental impact in corporate disputes – a conclusion recently cited by the Delaware Court of Chancery in the US. Marc Broekema and Niek Strohmaier • April 05, 2022
Internationale kinderrechten: blijvend van belang voor de hele wereld Reflecties ter gelegenheid van 10 jaar UNICEF-leerstoel Kinderrechten. Ton Liefaard • March 15, 2022
International children’s rights: An ongoing global issue Reflections to mark 10 years’ UNICEF Chair in Children’s Rights Ton Liefaard • March 15, 2022
Kindermishandeling: tijd om professionele stappen te zetten! Onlangs gaf de KNMG te kennen dat de KNMG-meldcode huiselijk geweld en kindermishandeling (2018) wordt herzien. Hierin staat wanneer de arts het medisch beroepsgeheim mag of zelfs moet doorbreken in geval van (vermoedens van) kindermishandeling. De meldcode moet toegankelijker en duidelijker. Mirjam Sombroek-van Doorm • March 14, 2022
Kinderen vaccineren tegen corona – in het belang van het kind? Op 10 december 2021 maakte minister De Jonge van VWS bekend dat alle kinderen tussen de 5 en 11 jaar in aanmerking komen voor het coronavaccin. Dit nadat hij afgelopen zomer het vaccin ter bestrijding van COVID-19 ook beschikbaar had gesteld voor minderjarigen tussen de 12-17 jaar. Aart Hendriks and Mirjam Sombroek-van Doorm • December 17, 2021