The return of Ukraine's stolen children Nearly 20,000 children have been abducted from Ukraine since the Russian invasion. As peace talks emerge, our gaze must return to these children and the gross violations of their rights. Ton Liefaard • December 09, 2024
35 years of children's rights: time for renewed commitment How has the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child shaped children’s rights over the last 35 years and what still needs to be done in the face of the current global challenges? Ton Liefaard and Ann Skelton • November 20, 2024 • 3 comments
Prevent children becoming victims of a data-driven world The impact of ‘dataveillance’ on children who are monitored from birth via smartphones and FitBits, is great. Children’s rights must be more central when it comes to designing technology. Remco Pijpers, Simone van der Hof and Ton Liefaard • May 03, 2022
Internationale kinderrechten: blijvend van belang voor de hele wereld Reflecties ter gelegenheid van 10 jaar UNICEF-leerstoel Kinderrechten. Ton Liefaard • March 15, 2022
International children’s rights: An ongoing global issue Reflections to mark 10 years’ UNICEF Chair in Children’s Rights Ton Liefaard • March 15, 2022
Who will stand up for Dutch children in Syria and Iraq? The Netherlands must respect children’s rights and take responsibility for Dutch children in camps in former IS areas. Ton Liefaard • August 31, 2021
This is not how one treats children The new assistance offered by the Dutch government to asylum seeking children is another example of Dutch thriftiness and clearly lacks respect for the rights and interests of the child Peter Rodrigues and Ton Liefaard • November 02, 2020
A new perspective on international children's rights jurisprudence What does the Leiden Children's Rights Observatory hold for the study of international children's rights and access to justice? Ton Liefaard, Julia Sloth-Nielsen and Daniella Zlotnik • January 11, 2019
Raising the minimum age of criminal responsibility and the importance of proper youth care The Council for the Administration of Criminal Justice and Protection of Juveniles conducted a study on the minimum age of criminal responsibility. As a result the Council recommended raising the minimum age to at least 14 years and improving youth care. Ton Liefaard and Maria Lourijsen • March 21, 2018 • 1 comment