Climate change litigation in Indonesia Following the success of the Urgenda case in the Netherlands and other cases around the world, citizens from Jakarta also turned to climate change litigation in their fight for a cleaner environment. Elise Schermers • June 03, 2022
NIMBY: slaat de Raad van State burgerparticipatie in de wind? Not In My BackYard (NIMBY) is inmiddels een begrip in het bestuursrecht: burgers die bijvoorbeeld kritiek uiten op de tientallen meters hoge windmolens in hun zichtveld. Hoe staat de hoogste bestuursrechter tegenover gebrek aan draagvlak? Heeft het voorleggen van alternatieven zin? Marloes van den Hurk • April 20, 2022
How fashion contributes to plastic pollution FFashion, particularly fast fashion, is a major contributor to plastic pollution in the form of microplastic fibres. The 80-year-old Martindale test for interior textiles could be part of the solution. Anouk Campagne and Esther Kentin • August 27, 2021
Sustainability in space Space is becoming more contested, congested, competitive, and contaminated. How to ensure the long-term sustainability of space activities, so present and future generations can use and explore it indefinitely? Tanja Masson-Zwaan • January 19, 2021
The unresolved issue of dolly rope on Dutch beaches Beaches are littered with dolly rope, a serious threat to our environment and wildlife. Will the EU Single-Use Plastics Directive and international obligations force the Netherlands to ban dolly rope in the near future? Violaine Barthélemy, Lineke Schrijver and Agata Szczepańska • January 12, 2021
The myth of bioplastics Many companies have discovered that making their products sustainable is a unique selling point and good for PR. Some are eager to promote bioplastics as being more sustainable. Often this is not the case. Thomas Meekel • December 16, 2019
From petition to regulation: a deposit return system for small plastic bottles Last week the Dutch Parliament discussed the proposal for a mandatory deposit return system for small plastic bottles. After more than 25 years of dialogue with the industry, it seems that this might be the only solution to tackle plastic pollution. Esther Kentin, Emily den Boer and Louise Floris • April 25, 2019
Recycling as panacea for plastic pollution: the EU Plastics Strategy The circular economy and recycling are the key answers of the EU Plastics Strategy to the plastic soup. What happened to the idea of reducing plastic waste, as single-use plastics make up 50% of the marine litter? Esther Kentin • January 30, 2018
World Wide Waste The programme ‘Ocean Clean Up’ promises to rid the oceans of ‘plastic soup’. This is a very welcome initiative. But only effective when it is accompanied by a change in the way we deal with plastic, by a change in our sense of self. Wim Bonis • May 24, 2017