De Raad van State over het belang van de internationale rechtsorde Met het oog op de oorlog in Oekraïne heeft de Raad van State ervoor gekozen om zijn algemene beschouwing in het jaarverslag van 2021 geheel te wijden aan het belang van de internationale rechtsorde voor de gewone burger. Gelijn Molier • May 02, 2022
Turbulence in the air and space industry: EU sanctions against Russia Airspace closures and export restrictions are reshaping relations between the EU and Russia. Consequences are not limited to the aerospace industry of each party: is there a new ‘iron curtain’ in the sky? Mario Barbano • April 29, 2022
Toolkit for the design and effective implementation of General Anti Avoidance Rules (GAARs) A new toolkit has been developed that provides governments with guidance for dealing with aggressive tax planning schemes and for designing, implementing, and interpreting GAARs. Gonzalo Arias and Anarella Calderoni • April 22, 2022
NIMBY: slaat de Raad van State burgerparticipatie in de wind? Not In My BackYard (NIMBY) is inmiddels een begrip in het bestuursrecht: burgers die bijvoorbeeld kritiek uiten op de tientallen meters hoge windmolens in hun zichtveld. Hoe staat de hoogste bestuursrechter tegenover gebrek aan draagvlak? Heeft het voorleggen van alternatieven zin? Marloes van den Hurk • April 20, 2022
History matters in child care Residential and institutional care is not a question of extent or degree, but rather a question of absolute abolition on account of what it historically represents and continues to perpetuate Hazel Miseleni • April 19, 2022
Satellites: Our eyes in the battlefield Satellites help us see the Earth from space, when we cannot observe it otherwise. We should give them some credit. Dimitra Stefoudi • April 06, 2022
From Leiden tot Delaware: How empirical legal research on valuation biases was used in a US courtroom A paper by Marc Broekema and colleagues found that psychological biases can have a detrimental impact in corporate disputes – a conclusion recently cited by the Delaware Court of Chancery in the US. Marc Broekema and Niek Strohmaier • April 05, 2022
No, Russia cannot be removed from the UN Security Council Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has drawn attention to a major problem in the UN system: Russia’s veto power in the Security Council. The proposed solution to remove Russia from the UNSC is misguided. Joris van de Riet • March 22, 2022
Putting Criminal Accountability into Perspective: Russia, Ukraine and the ICC The role of the International Crime Court (ICC) in the Ukraine-conflict. Carsten Stahn • March 18, 2022