The EU standard of tax good governance vis-a-vis non-EU countries including developing countries The EU standard of tax good governance was introduced to tackle tax fraud and evasion by companies and individuals and as a pre-condition for third (non-EU) countries that receive EU development aid and conclude agreements with the EU. Irma Johanna Mosquera Valderrama • January 31, 2022
The EU’s Anti-Coercion Instrument: A Big Stick for Big targets Applying economic pressure to coerce another country into a particular course of action has been around for a while, as developing countries can attest. Freya Baetens and Marco Bronckers • January 25, 2022
Six international legal norms on the protection of same-sex partnership have emerged Same-sex partners have been gaining some core recognition in international law. This trend continues, as there is nothing heterosexual about the words “men and women”. Kees Waaldijk • January 20, 2022
Crypto security through non-legal agents: The people against terror By considering Zamboni’s (2015) ideas on globalisation of politics and values, this blog discusses how (inter)national regulation, and the average person can counter terrorism through social media. Maria Rebrean • January 17, 2022
No perspective for unaccompanied minors: The wrong implementation of T.Q. The CJEU ruled in T.Q. that the Dutch policy on unaccompanied minors who do not qualify for international protection is in breach of the EU Returns Directive. New Dutch policy has not corrected this situation. Mark Klaassen • January 14, 2022
New legislation on online sexual crimes in the Netherlands: Decisive or doomed to become a dead letter? According to the Minister of Justice and Safety Ferd Grapperhaus (CDA), the Dutch sex laws desperately need an update. In for a penny, in for a pound: new legislation has been proposed, evaluated and revised. Elise Stroop and Noah van Krugten • December 21, 2021
Kinderen vaccineren tegen corona – in het belang van het kind? Op 10 december 2021 maakte minister De Jonge van VWS bekend dat alle kinderen tussen de 5 en 11 jaar in aanmerking komen voor het coronavaccin. Dit nadat hij afgelopen zomer het vaccin ter bestrijding van COVID-19 ook beschikbaar had gesteld voor minderjarigen tussen de 12-17 jaar. Aart Hendriks and Mirjam Sombroek-van Doorm • December 17, 2021
‘One China’ and the sacred modus vivendi The debate on ‘One China’ keeps returning to the front pages, while the legal aspects of this peculiar situation are rarely addressed. Did President Biden misspeak, regarding US commitments? Hardly. Rytis Satkauskas • December 03, 2021
Rechten van kinderen bij uithuisplaatsing Het Europese Mensenrechtenhof in Straatsburg heeft al over veel kinderbeschermingszaken beslist en heeft het de afgelopen twee jaar druk met beslissingen over uithuisplaatsingen van kinderen. Wat kunnen wij daarvan leren: welke mensen- en kinderrechten staan daarbij voorop? Marielle Bruning • November 23, 2021