Levenslange uitzichtloosheid voor jonggehandicapten Vorige week donderdag stemde de Tweede Kamer in met het wetsvoorstel Vereenvoudiging Wajong. Deze stemming vormde het sluitstuk van twee onheilspellende weken voor mensen met een handicap. Erwin dijkstra • November 15, 2019 • 2 comments
The European Cybersecurity Centre: A strange animal in the EU’s institutional zoo In view of the steady proliferation of ‘Union bodies’, one may wonder what are the limits to such agencification. That is exactly the question raised by the proposal for a European Cybersecurity Centre. Maarten Toelen • November 12, 2019
Trademarks in works of art are allowed An artist may incorporate another person's registered trademark in a work of art, provided that the work of art 'is the original result of a creative design process that is not aimed at damaging the trademark or the trademark owner'. Dirk Visser and Pauline Springorum • November 11, 2019 • 1 comment
A peaceful rebellion against extinction The people joining the ‘Extinction Rebellion’ protests are reviving an ancient indigenous sense of landownership. This views the land not in terms of exclusive private properties, but as an inclusive living being that can only be owned by itself. Wim Bonis • October 30, 2019 • 3 comments
The controversial legal status of directed mutagenesis techniques Recent scientific developments have enabled the emergence of directed mutagenesis techniques which are novel techniques of genetic modification that produce GMOs in a faster, easier and cheaper way. Their legal status is controversial under Directive 2001/18. Laura Jakobs • October 22, 2019 • 2 comments
The first personal bankruptcy case in China It has been long held in China that a debt must be repaid, particularly the debt of a father by his son. Is this going to change? What does the first personal bankruptcy case in China tell us? Shuai Guo • October 18, 2019 • 4 comments
The Black Panther Party: Freedom Fighters or Radicalists? The Black Panther Party was a political organization in the United States during the 1960s-1980s. Labelled the greatest threat to internal security by the FBI, the Party was primarily focused on monitoring police officer behaviour through Panther Patrols and running community survival programs. Kelsey Engstrom • October 10, 2019
Terrorism: one man’s insecurity is another man’s freedom fighter An analysis of a Dutch counterterrorism law through the lens of the theoretical perspective that Giddens calls the ‘risk society’. Jorieke Besselink • October 02, 2019
Could online dispute resolution help in the Thomas Cook bankruptcy? Online Dispute Resolution and Blockchain technology: how does ODR work? What is a smart contract? Could ODR be helpful in settling numerous potential and related legal proceedings of a relatively simple nature? And how? Endless possibilities… Maarten van Buuren • October 01, 2019