The Dutch Children’s Ombudsman put on the map The Dutch Children’s Ombudsman successfully monitors the rights of children. The evaluation of the Children’s Ombudsman Act shows, however, that its autonomous position, in relation to the National Ombudsman, could be strengthened. Marielle Bruning and Stephanie Rap • July 17, 2017
A new approach to democracy – with old roots According to Vandana Shiva we must shift from representative democracy, in which corporations rule, to ‘Earth Democracy’ to deal with our current crises – to end conflict and bring peace. It means including the excluded into our conception of the economy. Wim Bonis • June 28, 2017
World Wide Waste The programme ‘Ocean Clean Up’ promises to rid the oceans of ‘plastic soup’. This is a very welcome initiative. But only effective when it is accompanied by a change in the way we deal with plastic, by a change in our sense of self. Wim Bonis • May 24, 2017
The right of residence for non-EU parents of EU citizen children: the Chavez-Vilchez case The EU Court of Justice explains the Zambrano doctrine: what matters is not just whether an EU-citizen parent could take care of the child, but whether the child has a relationship of dependency with the non-EU parent. Mark Klaassen • May 12, 2017 • 17 comments
Constrained agency and crime The Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR) argues that the government should give more consideration to the impact of life events on life skills. This is also crucial for supporting people to exit a life of crime. Esther van Ginneken • April 26, 2017
The reality of climate change Many Dutch politicians still consider climate change a long-term issue, but obviously it has become a here and now reality. To become ecologically minded involves putting the environment first and ourselves second – accepting our place in nature. Wim Bonis • April 05, 2017
Who to vote for in these challenging times? Many people do not yet know which party to vote for in the upcoming elections. To avoid escalation of conflicts it has become essential to choose individuals with balanced minds – politicians who are able to transcend a dualistic world view. Wim Bonis • February 22, 2017 • 2 comments
An old, dying Empire versus a rising Earth Community Trump and his followers have shown that patriotism and imperialism are not dead yet. They are part of a larger populist movement, which is still small compared to the rising number of people who feel they belong to an Earth Community. Wim Bonis • January 25, 2017 • 5 comments
Will the real you please stand up! Everywhere collective identities are struggling with other identities. They are mere substitutes, however, for the personal identity we are born with – whose development is justly protected as a human right and is the antidote to the crises facing us. Wim Bonis • December 14, 2016 • 1 comment