An example of unproductive entrepreneurship in the pharmaceutical sector The US patent system offers a high payoff to a pharmaceutical firm using the partly public-funded research findings of others. A fair outcome of the competitive market and the patent system? Tim Verdoes • September 20, 2023
A case of ‘AI hallucination’ in the air How can a few unreported court cases that no lawyer has ever heard of, cause so much trouble and become so infamous? Benjamyn Scott • August 07, 2023
Exploring the meaning of justice in Bosnia-Herzegovina: Short reflections on the research process The pitfalls I faced doing fieldwork in Bosnia-Herzegovina or my (very) short love letter to fieldwork in socio-legal studies. Lou Guigues • July 17, 2023
Water quality: Holland’s next hot topic? After postponing its obligations under the WFD until 2027, the Netherlands will not be able to meet them by 2027 either. Which measures must be implemented to prevent further water pollution? Iris Blom • July 13, 2023 • 3 comments
Protecting weaker franchisees against franchisor encroachment An asymmetrical franchise relationship would permit a franchisor to behave opportunistically towards weaker franchisees in the form of encroachment. What is franchisor encroachment, and why does it matter? Chalermwut Sriporm • July 11, 2023
The long road to increased corporate responsibility Climate litigation is rich in insights on failing climate governance. What can we learn from lawsuits against car corporations trying to stop the distribution of fossil-fuelled cars? Bettina Schmiedler • July 10, 2023
The Dutch security dilemma and the role of the Police, the Military Police and the Military The Netherlands is struggling with organised crime, security issues and police shortages. With the military police and the military now becoming increasingly involved, it’s time for some questions. Tim van Lit • July 04, 2023
Why care about electoral registration, if you’re not going to vote anyway? Politicians worldwide are struggling to mobilise voter support. Despite the limited interest in the actual elections, Congolese citizens are queuing massively to register for elections. What explains this? Carolien Jacobs • June 23, 2023
Waarom een tweestatusstelsel een slecht idee is Het éénstatusstelsel in het Nederlandse asielrecht is een belangrijke verworvenheid en de omvorming tot een tweestatusstelsel met als enige doel het beperken van gezinshereniging is niet alleen contraproductief, maar is ook nog eens in strijd met de rechten van het kind. Mark Klaassen • June 19, 2023