PFAS komen steeds vaker in het nieuws vanwege de gevaarlijke eigenschappen en risico’s voor het milieu en de volksgezondheid. Er wordt gewerkt aan een Europees ...
Not In My BackYard (NIMBY) is inmiddels een begrip in het bestuursrecht: burgers die bijvoorbeeld kritiek uiten op de tientallen meters hoge windmolens in hun z...
Following the success of the Urgenda case in the Netherlands and other cases around the world, citizens from Jakarta also turned to climate change litigation in...
At the end of this year, the EU Ship Recycling Regulation will be evaluated. Has this regulation achieved its objective of establishing a safer and more sustain...
The judgment in the Shell case suggests that companies should comply with the targets in the Paris Climate Agreement. The case possibly sets a new, climate-frie...
After postponing its obligations under the WFD until 2027, the Netherlands will not be able to meet them by 2027 either. Which measures must be implemented to p...