When words get in the way… Dutch governmental organisations have decided to get rid of the words ‘autochtoon’ and ‘allochtoon’ – widely used to define native and non-native inhabitants – because they were stigmatising and confusing. But do we know what they really mean? Wim Bonis • November 09, 2016
The Future of EU Asylum Law With the ink of the latest recasts barely dry, the Commission is already pushing for new reforms of EU asylum law. The goal: a unified European asylum policy. Mark Klaassen • April 22, 2016
The Jungle and the Right to Family Unification A UK Tribunal has ruled that four asylum seekers from ‘the Jungle’ of Calais have to be reunited with their family members in the UK while awaiting an asylum decision. Mark Klaassen • February 10, 2016
When is a child forced to leave the EU? In Ruiz Zambrano the Court of Justice of the EU decided that a minor EU child may not be forced to leave the territory of the EU. Four years later it is still not clear what implications this ruling has. Mark Klaassen • April 30, 2015