Teaching fellow in European Law
Master Student in Civil Law
Lecturer in the Philosophy of Law
LLM Candidate in European Law
Advanced LL.M. in Public International Law
Advanced LL.M. candidate in Public International Law
Former Department manager
LL.M. Student Civil and Criminal Law
Lecturer in Criminology
Professor of European Human Rights Law
PhD Candidate
LL.M Student Criminal Justice
Student Intenational Business Law
Assistant Professor
Student in the double-degree program combining an LL.B. at Leiden Law School and a B.A. at LUC The Hague, with a major in International Justice
Dean of Leiden Law School
PhD candidate
Student Advanced LLM Public International Law
Professor of Children's Rights and holds the UNICEF Chair in Children's Rights at Leiden University. He is the Head of the Department of Child Law and Health Law
Associate Professor
Europa Instituut
Former PhD Canidate
External PhD candidate
Lecturer / Researcher Immigration Law Open Universiteit
Professor of Human Rights and Diversity
Master student children’s rights
Assistant professor of constitutional and administrative law
Graduated in LL. M. Public International Law
Assistant and Doctoral Candidate at the Faculty of Law, Economics and Finance
Former Advisor
Bachelor student Law
Advanced LLM Candidate in Public International Law
Advanced Llm Candidate – Public International Law
Science editor