PhD Candidate
Student International Business Law
Teaching/Research Staff Member
LLM Candidate Public International Law
Research assistant Department of Child Law
Student Advanced Master Public International Law
Lecturer in Child and Family Law
Associate Professor
Student on the Adv LLM programme International Civil and Commercial Law
External PhD Candidate
PhD Candidate and Lecturer
Associate Professor and lecturer
Student of Law
Professor (emeritus) in Law and Computer Science
Advanced LL.M. candidate in European and International Human Rights Law
Research Trainee
Advanced LLM candidate in Air and Space Law
Public Prosecutor
LL.M. Student Civil Law
Master student European Law
European Law LLM graduate
Professor emeritus Public International Law
Advanced LLM International Children’s Rights
Assistant Professor
Student Public International Law
Student LL.M. Public International Law
Student Air & Space Law (Advanced Master)
Student, Advanced LL.M. in Public International Law
Alumnus Advanced LL.M. in Public International Law
Lecturer and academic coordinator
Adv. LLM Candidate in Public International Law
LLM Civil Law student
Research Intern in Corporate Law
LLM candidate
LL.M Student Child Law
Professor Children's Rights in a Sustainable World
Chair of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child
Researcher and senior lecturer Philosophy of Law and Ethics
Professor Children’s Rights in the Developing World
Advanced LLM Candidate in European and International Human Rights Law
Director of Research Courses
Director Faculty of Law / Associate Professor (Health Law)
Associate professor at the Van Vollenhoven Institute for Law and Society
Lecturer Patent Law
PhD student
EURO-CEFG PhD Fellow in Financial Law
Advanced LL.M Candidate
Master's student Civil Law
Former PhD Candidate and Lecturer on children’s right to health
PhD Candidate in Civil Law
Professor of International Criminal Law & Global Justice
Undergraduate Student
Master’s student Civil Law
Teaching/Research Staff Member International Institute of Air & Space Law
Alumna master Jeugdrecht
Legal Researcher Children’s Rights
Student research assistant on Leiden Advocacy Project on Plastic
PhD candidate
Rector Magnificus and President
International Civil and Commercial Law
Guest staff member
Universitair docent
Law Student
Research and teaching staff member
PhD cadidate in Public International Law
Exchange student
PhD Candidate in Public International Law
Public International Law LLM graduate